Bonny Colville-Hyde's corner of the internet

Posts by: Bonny

Monthnotes: January 2024

As I am just dabbling my toes back into the world of writing for myself, attempting to do weeknotes feels a bit out of reach, so I’ve settled on aiming for monthnotes. January has been a challenging month. My husband has pneumonia and for several weeks I have been doing all the nursery drop offs, pick ups, food shops, bedtimes, wake ups, playtime and the entire weekends full of childcare and entertainment. The good news is he seems to be on the mend after the third round of antibiotics. In work I have been tying together a close on a long discovery programme of work with a wonderful client. We’ve been working together for most of last year, and its been such a fantastic experience digging into a really meaningful concept that could ultimately improve outcomes for cancer patients. So this feels personal, and I am very invested in getting the concept through to a beta phase we’re discussing. I’ve got a small sprint on the go with another client, doing some incremental improvements for their editorial team. Due to changes in their team last year we struggled to get a cadence in place to do this sort of sprint, so its good to have a programme of enhancement sprints planned in for this year. Outside of client work I have been collaborating with Michael (who is another Product Director at Torchbox) and we are collating our wider team’s knowledge and experience with fundraising strategies. I’m really appreciating and enjoying working with him, and spend some time debating ideas and looking more broadly at donations. He’s very generous and thoughtful, but still has direction and I admire his approach a lot. At home I have not had a huge amount of time to do anything beyond the essentials, but...

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Returning to blogging

I'm back.

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Five UX Myths to Avoid

I spoke at Product Tank South West about five UX myths to avoid.

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Notes from UX In The City

Three things I learned at UX in the City 2016.

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Interview on

My friend, and all round talented chap Senongo interviewed me about UX comics and my career in user experience to date over on the site this week. > Read the full interview at I really should get a better photograph taken to use for these sorts of things. I know I’m a crazy cat lady, but I’m not sure the rest of the world needs to know it.

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Tools to help you make UX comic characters

A selection of tools you can use to make characters for UX comics.

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Choosing a comic format

A simple diagram to help you choose what sort of UX comic to make.

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UXPA 2014: Slides from my talk

Here are the slides from my talk at the UXPA 2014 conference in London.

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Future of Web Design 2014

I'll be speaking at the Future of Web Design conference in London in April. My session is titled: Communicating Experiences with Comics: How to Share Ideas Through Pictures.

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Content, Clients and Responsive Design: UX Cambridge Talk

A few notes about the session I ran at UX Cambridge in September 2013 on 'Content, Clients and Responsive Design'.

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