Highlights from UXScotland 2013
UX Scotland was a hoot: here is a short account of my highlights from the conference.
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How to make your first UX comic – UXScotland slides
Slides from my UXScotland talk on how to make your first ever UX comic!
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Countdown to UX Scotland 2013
I'm going to be speaking at UX Scotland about comics and storyboards!
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You cant polish a turd (Bristol Skillswap talk)
The first Bristol Skillswap on responsive web design was so popular, we ran it again!
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Fix the organisation not the interface
Organisations can harm user experiences through their management policies and practices before an interface has even been introduced to the equation.
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Five tips: How to work better with developers
Five easy tips to help you work better with developer teams.
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Free: Sketch font
A free sketch handwriting font for editing hand-drawn wireframes or creating digital ones with a lo-fi feel.
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Free: 12 job-themed characters
Free-to-use illustrations of job-themed characters. Here is a mini illustration collection of job-themed character sketches, featuring medics, vets and call centre staff. They are a slightly unusual collection because I made them with a particular project in mind. When I get a chance I will introduce more job roles...
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Free persona character set
A free collection of 32 character sketches I often draw sketches of users to enrich the documentation I produce for clients. There is something about using slightly cute, rough and ready sketches that makes people connect with them quicker than photographs (especially stock images). As a user experience designer...